After a busy day...
I get home and ask myself what to do to get people on my blog...I also have a pounding headache from staring at the mac screen for seven hours deciding what would look best on a cover page.
Sitting on my bed having dinner I decided to watch 'The Queen', Now this movie has been in my possession for a while and I'd always suspended watching it cos I though it be boring. Quite the contrary, its actually interesting.
We tend to look at life from one point of view alone and not think of whats going on in another persons mind. For those of you thinking of doing investigative journalism next year, I'd recommend you see it.
I'm sort of a movie bug, so if you need tips on what to see and what not to, feel fry to drop a note and I'l get back to u asap. Schools not only bout books u know, what you learn outside campus counts alot. Just like d name of this blog...lets interact for a better future.
15 years ago