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    Thursday, December 06, 2007

    Writers strike

    I'd like to believe that I am not the only 'series buff' there is! I'm sure there's someone out there who feels my frustration. The writers strike is affecting everything good on tv, I mean just take a look; Heroes, Desperate Housewives, Smallville, Nip Tuck, House, Prison Break, Ugly Betty, The Tonight Show, to name a few. A friend of mine was telling me the other day bout how he wants to write a book so that, he wouldn't be so dependent on these series and the way make our blood pressure rise up. Thats on of the best ideas I've heard in a while. Why dont we all become writers and then, we'll switch our stories amongst ourselves. Then we wouldnt be affected by the writers strike.

    The strike has been on since the 5th of November, one of the issues is more money for work that goes into new media, such as DVD's or online TV. Now, I'm one for equity and all, but why do people always crave more money.

    More money brings more problems. Now they are asking for money from new media, soon they'll ask for money from shows downloaded on limewire or something. Well, this isn't my battle, so I think I'll go ahead with the suggestion given by my buddy...I'll write my own series or better yet, you write yours and send it to me to read!

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