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    Wednesday, December 05, 2007

    End of year blues

    We've come to that time of the year, where we are forced to look back and analyze our successes and failures during the year. Unfortunately, no amount of ifs can change the outcome of our actions, what we can do is to plan for the next year and try our best to stick to our decisions. Don't get me wrong...I am not an advocate for 'new year resolutions', I believe that they are just rituals or should I say rules that we make for ourselves, only to fall short and feel bad.

    Let your resolution this coming year be no more resolutions, down with the practice of self dejection and pacification. Personally, I have taken my diary out and written down what I want to achieve next year, and the steps I need to take to get there. I'm stepping out of the, I sure had a really blue year, but thats another story, lets leave that for the last weeks in the year, and I promise you a summary of my experience this year.

    However, What is most important is that we have things to be grateful for, I believe that no matter how miserable life has been so far, there must have been days when you smiled, days when you laughed so hard that you farted and even laughed some more...those were the days.

    I'm going to end on this note, make the best of today, cause that is really all we have control off. Stop worrying, stop contriving, let go of past baggage. When you go to sleep tonight, smile and say thank you for the opportunity to go to sleep at night.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    it's good we are consoled to be thankful for the happy moment we had, funny enough immediately i read through the article i couldnt help but smile as memories of the good moments of the year filled my thought, all i can hope for is:more of happy times to come next year and perhaps for ever