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    Thursday, November 13, 2008

    A week in the life of Jamie

    Where do I start, the 13 year old girl who is dying from leukemia or is it the sad sad case of Baby P who was continually abused the 17 months of his short life, or I could lighten things up a bit and talk about pre nuptial agreements in the UK. I think I'll start with my personal trials.

    My passport has gone MIA, the home office sent it to my London address on the 21st and due to my working and living in another region, I got to the post office nine days later. They said that according to rules and regulations, they hold recorded mail for only seven days. So now I have to wait for the parcel to get to Belfast and then the person who is responsible for redirecting mails to get up and actually work. It is Christmas season and I need to travel to see my family. So this is really grinding my teeth.

    Now on to other things, I can't even begin to imagine what the parents of the 13 year old girl are going through. How do you cope with watching your child die, not just before you but in so much pain. I really do not understand why the media cannot just let the parents spend these last days they have let with their daugther in peace. You get a mum who compares her child constipating to this case, and she says that the parents should force their daughter to continue seeking medical intervention. Are they also going to force her to recover, or force her body to accept the new heart.

    Moving on, how can a mother watch her boyfriend abuse her child until he dies. Does the blame lie with the council worker who visited this baby 70 times and didnt notice anything wierd, or the physician who saw this baby and couldnt tell the difference of a cold from eight broken ribs. I can only hope that Baby P did not die in pain, I can only wish that there is a place these babies go to, when the world is so unfair to them.

    Okay, prenups...If I was a billionaire would I make my to be spouse sign one. This is really tricky, I've been in relationships that months after they turned sour, I had to bear the financial costs that ensued. So the wise thing would be get protected so you dont get neglected. However, if you love someone, should you really plan for the relationship to fail before you get married? I'll leave this open to you my readers...let me know what you think.

    And this sums up my week, don't forget stay positive and stay logged on to this blog weekly. You can RSS to make sure you dont miss out.

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